Degustačné edície - VINEWAY

Tasting Editions

Are you an avid explorer or looking for something to suit your taste? Here you will find all the tasting editions that were compiled from premium local and international wines.


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9 products

Taste of SlovakiaTaste of Slovakia
Taste of Slovakia
Vychnutnajte si slovenské odrody, medzinárodných šampiónov, či členov národného salónu vín.
Sale price€32.95 EUR
Degustačná hraNovinka
Degustačná Hra - The Colours of WineDegustačná Hra - The Colours of Wine
Degustačná Hra - The Colours of Wine
Zábavná hra s 5 vzorkami a 35 otázkami s ochutnávkou naslepo pre všetkých milovníkov vín.
Sale price€39.95 EUR
Taste of PortugalTaste of Portugal
Taste of Portugal
Cesta Portugalskom regiónmi Alentejo až po Douro s výberom najlepších bielych a červených vín.
Sale price€34.95 EUR
Sweet & FruitySweet & Fruity
Sweet & Fruity
A selection of white and rosé wines for lovers of sweeter wines with strong fruity notes.
Sale price€33.95 EUR
Unique WinemakingUnique Winemaking
Unique Winemaking
Ochutnajte vína vyzreté v betónových vajciach, v amfore, v skale, v sude, či metódou Leonardo.
Sale price€34.95 EUR
Tropical FruitTropical Fruit
Tropical Fruit
An explosion of tropical flavours. Taste five wines with mango, papaya or pineapple flavours.
Sale price€32.95 EUR
Sauvignon EditionSauvignon Edition
Sauvignon Edition
Objavte päť Sauvignonov od Marlborough až po púšť Atacama. Plné sviežosti a netradičných tónov.
Sale price€36.95 EUR
Premium EditionPremium Edition
Premium Edition
A selection of five premium wines from legendary regions for every discerning winelover.
Sale price€49.95 EUR
Slovak Rivers by Shebo WinerySlovak Rivers by Shebo Winery
Slovak Rivers by Shebo Winery
A special collection of Slovak red wine varieties from the Shebo Winery
Sale price€29.95 EUR